Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who Does He Thinks We're Thanksing?

Happy Tuesday, and Happy 27 Day until Christmas!
Every day should be a day to celebrate, but today I have a small reason of my own. My good friend, Rayna, gave birth to her little girl Adalyn Elizabeth. Mommy and baby look so healthy and are doing great! 
I woke up around 1 a.m. (Hawaii time) to a picture of Rayna in her hospital bed. She looked absolutely fabulous and, naturally for Miss Rai, she didn't even look pregnant! Who can pull that off 6 hours before giving birth?? 
I have my Coley and my Tristan, my two handsome boys from Cortland who Nick and I will spoil for the rest of their lives! And now I have a little girl to spoil in Georgia, too! I love my boys beyond words, but let's be honest, little baby girl clothes are so much fun to buy.
So congratulations Rayna and Matthew! Nick and I send our love! <3
Might you need a Tuesday morning laugh?
Check out the Colbert Report clip from last night:
"Who does he thinks we're thanksing?" 
And with that, I'm off for breakfast and a run.

Me ke aloha,

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