Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Honest Comes But Once a Year

My dear friend and biggest blog supporter composed her own blog entry this morning wherein she disclosed that today was dubbed "Honesty Day", probably by the same people who authorize things like National Raspberry Cream Pie day (8/1) or Operating Room Nurse day (11/14). I shit you not, people. These days are REAL.

So Ashley's post this morning, Honesty Day (question mark?), pointed out the obscurity of being honest just one day out of the year. 
"...I find it interesting; we live in a society that delegates a day to 'come clean.' Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today, yes" (The Inbetween Times).
I agree with Ashley. How silly to to be honest just one day. And how honest are we talking? As Ash says: 
Now, I don't think that we need to shout from the rooftops that we were once convinced we were going to marry Zach Morris, that we pee in the shower, (because we're eco-conscious citizens and want to save water!) or that we just figured out the lyrics to Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer' (we still like ours better). (The Inbetween Times)

No. If it's National Honesty Day, it's a day to reflect. So, in the spirit of candor, I will pause this evening and be dreadfully honest with myself. Thanks Ashley! And thanks obscure Academy in the Sky that promotes such moratoriums at the end of April!

1. I am intolerantly intolerant with others, and I need to change this.
2. I need to read far more. I need to make the time to read.
3. I must approach every moment as a learn-able moment. What can I learn from the situations in which I find myself?
4. I should do one thing that scares me every week. I need to expand my comfort zone.
5. Every day, I must remind myself how fortunate I am. I neglect to remember far too often.
6. I need to be more flexible.
7. I must approach every day with fervor. 
8. I must ground myself in reality and surround myself with imagination and creativity. 
9. Sympathy and Empathy need to be at the forefront of my thoughts and actions, always.
10.  I absolutely must simplify my life.

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