Monday, January 30, 2012

My New Favorite Beach

Here's a little peak at my new favorite beach.  Can't wait to share this with the next visitors <3 

At one of the army functions a couple weeks ago, I had a dog-lover-to-dog-lover conversation with Nick's boss's girlfriend. She has a small dog, too, and she shared that Kailua beach, on the East side of the island, is dog friendly. After our lazy, Sunday morning (we slept until 11 a.m.!), Nick and I packed our cooler with lunch, and our beach bag with books and a Rosalie and our little Starmweber family cruised in our firebird over to Kailua Beach Park. 

The gin-blue waters promised transparency for hundreds of yards out to sea. Of course, people packed the beach. Children ran unattended, screaming further perpetuating our ill-will to produce offspring of our own. I did, however, think of my dad when I saw a small group of kids participating in the Hawaii equivalent of sledding. These kids hiked up a small, sandy ledge, and road their body boards down the sand hill. It made me chuckle. If they only knew what it was like to traipse up Beaudry Park hill in three feet of ungroomed snow, with 10-pounds of snowpants, boots, coats, scarfs and hats all of 20 seconds of real sledding as the cold bit our cheeks. But, I digress. 

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